Our Story

Zemlia's story started as a capstone project in the Climate Base fellowship. During this intensive 12-week program, Ania (our founder) and a team of 15 fellows converged on the need for a “sustainability hub” project, then called “Ripples”. They completed a competitive analysis research project, a design sprint, and developed an initial data framework. This collaborative effort culminated in the creation of an initial MVP. The project continued to evolve, and 20 more fellows from the next Climate base cohort joined in to build version 2.0, now called Zemlia. Together, they worked on conducting customer discovery interviews, collecting data, refining the communication strategy, and developing the brand identity. Their efforts led to an updated version of the MVP, this time with an interactive prototype. Inspired by the incredible energy around this topic, positive signals from initial customers and amazing team willing to build, it became clear that this was an opportunity to make a huge impact for society.

Zemlia as an official start up was born on May 10, 2023!

The Problem

Navigating the path to holistic sustainability and intentional living often involves sifting through an overwhelming amount of information, much of which is contradictory and not tailored to individual circumstances. The challenge is compounded by concerns over the authenticity of the information, with skepticism about potential greenwashing and commercial biases. Additionally, the financial and time investments required for sustainable practices are significant barriers for many. Beyond just carbon footprint considerations, there is a desire for a more positive, comprehensive understanding of one's opportunities to impact systemic change. A need exists for clear, practical guidance that aligns with the complexities of everyday life, offering a balanced approach.

Because of all this, there is a huge gap between awareness of the opportunities that exist and action, primarily fueled by feelings of overwhelm, guilt, and insignificance. Many feel stuck and left out of the conversation, believing their individual actions won't make a significant difference. Others may lack guidance and resources to take effective action. Therefore, there is an urgent need to empower individuals with the knowledge, tools, and motivation to move from passive concern to active participation across all aspects of sustainability. We aim to develop solutions that bridge this gap, transforming feelings of insignificance and overwhelm into empowerment and collective action. 

Our Approach

Our approach is unique, including decisions from all aspects of a person’s life, and assessing impact across health, cost savings as well as environmental benefits. It is designed to be flexible to people different priorities and lifestyles, and adjust over time.

Encouraging Holistic Health

Unlocking financial freedom

Driving Positive Environmental Impact

Our Philosophy

All our work is anchored in positivity, inclusivity, and empowerment. We believe that sustainability is not just a better way, but the best way, and it's for everyone. We embody an "all boats rise with the tide" philosophy, creating opportunities for collaboration and support, and creating judgement-free spaces for learning and engagement.